White Patent Pre-Walker Shoe with Punch Detail
White Yellow "Bow & Diamante" Shoe
White Pink "Bow & Diamante" Shoe
White Patent "Bow" Pre-Walker Shoe
Dusky Pink Pre-Walker Boots with Fur Collar
Shiny Baby Pink Patent Shoe With Bow
(Nb-12 months)
White "Bow & Heart" Diamante Shoe
Red "Bow & Heart" Diamante Shoe
Pink Bow Pre-Walker Shoe
Red Bow & Diamonte Shoe
Dusky Pink Bow & Diamonte Soft Sole Shoe
White Patent "Bow" Soft Sole Shoe
Red Patent "Bow" Soft Sole Shoe
Biscuit Pre-Walker Boots with Fur Collar
Pink "Bow & Heart" Diamante Shoe
Ivory "Bow & Heart" Diamante Shoe
Red Patent Pre-Walker Boots with Fur Collar
Navy Patent Pre-Walker Boots with Fur Collar
Puppy and Bunny Boots
(0-12 months)
Suede "Heart" Boot
(6-15 months)
Knit Boot with Star Button
(6-15 months)
White Patent Pre-Walker Boots with Fur Collar
Grey Pre-Walker Boots with Fur Collar
Black Patent Pre-Walker Boots with Fur Collar
Camel Pre-Walker Boots
Ivory Patent Buckle T-Bar Pre-Walker Shoe with Bow
Ivory Patent Pre-Walker Shoe
Ivory Patent "Bow" Pre-Walker Shoe
Ivory Bow & Diamonte Shoe
Christening Ivory Patent Shoe With Cross
Silver Glitter heart shoe
(0-12 Months)
Silver glitter shoes with flower
( 6-15 months)
White and Silver Christening shoes
White and Silver Christening shoes
"Bear" Faux Fur Boots
(6-15 months)
Navy Blue Patent "Bow" Pre-Walker Shoe