White and Silver Christening Shoes
(0-18 months)
Christening White Patent Shoe With Cross
Christening White Matt Shoe With Cross
Christening Ivory Patent Shoe With Cross
White Satin Christening Bib
Ivory Dress
(Choose 0-24)
Socks with Silver Cross
(0-12 months)
"Cross" Christening Wrap
(choose colour)
White Satin Christening Bib
Ivory "Pearl and Diamonte" Dress Set
(0-12 months)
White and Silver Christening shoes
Bulk Plain Satin Bib
Christening Confetti
Christening Banner Female
White Christening shoes
White Christening shoes
Mary White Ribbon Shoe
(Choose EUR 16-20)
Christening Medium Bag
Christening Bag XL
White Flower Tulle Dress
(Choose Size 6-24)
White Millie Shoe Shoe
(Choose EUR 16-20)
WHITE Full length Christening Robe 0-12m
(Choose Size)
Ivory Full length Christening Robe 0-12m
(Choose Size)
Full length Christening Robe 0-12m
(Choose Size)
White Christening dress and coat
(choose 9-12)
Bulk Plain White Satin Bib